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Integrating with Pipedrive CRM

Use these common automated workflows to bring your customer call data and follow-up tasks to your Pipedrive CRM

While we will focus on using Zapier to complete these automated workflow examples, many other tools like IFTTT, Make, or Workato will have very similar steps.

  • Create Deal to Follow-Up on Voicemails
  • Create Deal to Follow-Up on Missed Calls
  • Send Inbound Text Messages to a Contact Record (VirtualText Forward)
  • Create an Activity for Inbound Calls

Create Deal to Follow-Up on Voicemails

In this scenario, we are looking for new voicemails received on the account. We then want to narrow that down to look at only voicemails received to our main number. Next, we want to look for the person who the voicemail is from in our CRM so we can later link a new deal and note to that person. Last, we want to create a deal to follow up on this voicemail and attach the transcript as a note.

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First, we’ll use the “New Voicemail” trigger in Zapier from the VirtualPBX App. This will bring in some automatic test data, but you may also trigger your own voicemails – especially helpful if you want to bring in specific test information that will be helpful in creating your workflow.

Next, we’ll set up our filter criteria to only allow calls received on our main number to continue.

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If the person who left a voicemail is a customer of ours, we want to make sure we’re attaching any new notes or deals to that person. We’ll do this by using the Find Person action in the Pipedrive app – searching by the phone number field. If they don’t exist yet in our system we won’t create a new Person in Pipedrive, but this can be done using their Caller ID name and number. If a Person exists, we’re now able to associate them and use any data from Pipedrive about that Person in the next steps of our zap. In our case, we’ll be using the Person ID and Organization ID fields to link a Deal and Note.

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Now that we’ve found our Person, we’re ready to use the Create Deal action on the Pipedrive app. Here, we can customize how the deal will be configured. In this case, we’re giving the deal a title including the caller ID name, noting the deal as Open, assigning to a particular representative in the correct Pipeline, and linking the Person and Organization we found in our previous step.

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Last, since voicemails from VirtualPBX include a transcript, we’ll use the Create Note action on the Pipedrive app to share the voicemail transcript, link the note and pin it to the Deal we just created, and also link our Person and Organization.

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Create Deal to Follow-Up on Missed Calls

This automation is very similar to the Voicemail Deal workflow we created above with one key difference. Instead of using the VirtualPBX app in Zapier to trigger our workflow, we’re going to begin by creating a webhook in VirtualPBX. But first, we need the webhook url from Zapier so VirtualPBX knows where to send the data.

Choose the Catch Hook trigger in the Webhooks app in Zapier to begin. In this step you’ll be given a webhook url. Copy this url and head over to your VirtualPBX account.

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In your VirtualPBX account, head to the Webhooks section and create a new webhook. Paste your url in the URL field, give your hook a name, choose the Trigger Event “Notifications Webhook”, and choose the Type “Missed Call” under the custom data section. Click Create Webhook and head back to Zapier.

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Now that you’ve got your webhook connected, the remaining steps will mirror what we did above in the voicemail example – first we’ll filter missed calls to only process those received on our main phone number, then we’ll use the caller ID to find our Person in Pipedrive, and last, we’ll create a Deal that includes our missed call information and links to the correct Person and Organization.

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Send Inbound Text Messages to a Contact Record (VirtualText Forward)

While there are a variety of notification types available to send call data via webhooks in the Webhooks section of your VirtualPBX account – text messages are handled a little differently. If your business is using VirtualText to send and receive text messages, you may handle those workflows right in the VirtualText App. If you are only receiving inbound text messages via VirtualText Forward, this workflow is for you.

First, create your Webhooks trigger step like we did in the last example and copy the url. Then head to Text Forward in your VirtualPBX account, choose the number you’d like messages forwarded from, and paste your webhook url. Optionally, you may also send these messages to an email address.

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Now that you’ve got your messages triggering, we can head back to Zapier. In this case, since we’ve already narrowed down our messages to a single number in VirtualPBX, we don’t need a filter step. We’ll go right into finding our Person and creating a Note associated with that Person and their Organization and include the content of the text message.

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Create an Activity for Inbound Calls

In our last example, we’re looking to create activities in our Pipedrive CRM automatically on inbound calls only for certain call queues. Then we’ll link them to the agent that answered so they can easily add their notes to the activity while live on the call.

First, choose the Call Started trigger on the VirtualPBX app in Zapier.

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Then, use the Filter step to highlight which queues should follow your workflow. In our case, we’ll select a few different queues.

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Once again, we’ll find the Person associated to the phone number calling in to link later on.

In Pipedrive, like with many CRMs, a workflow will require an ID of a user rather than just their name. We know the name of the agent who answered the phone call from our Call Started trigger, and we know their IDs in Pipedrive, so we’ll use a lookup table to allow Zapier to translate our data into something it can use. To do this, choose the Utilites Event in the Formatter by Zapier App and choose Lookup Table from the Transform options. Next, we’ll bring in the Caller ID field that shows our agents’ names and create a table to translate their name into their ID.

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Now that we have our agent correctly identified, we can complete the zap by using the Create Activity action on the Pipedrive app. Here, we’ll link our Person and Organization, give our Activity a subject that contains information about the call, and assign it to the agent who answered the call.

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